Business Operators

The Opportunity the Challenge

Re-imagining the way cocktails are made and served

"We didn't make the first Craft Cocktail. We were just the first to pre-mix and bottle an authentic one."– Greg Johnson, Founder, MPACT BEVERAGE CO. 


image of the Mpact Beverage and 7 Eleven team in business dress clothes

7-Eleven Supplier of the Year - Restaurant 2023

The MPACT Solution

The Market

Research shows that consumers prefer Food and Beverage establishments that offer handcrafted, quality, convenience and an alcohol TO-GO choice. As an operator you’ve seen the explosion as takeout and delivery have become a part of life for a majority of U.S. consumers. This trend is expected to continue through 2022 and beyond. 

image of a graph in blue bars and arrows about adult beverage market growth

The Challenge

Consumer demand for authentic, great tasting beverages continues, however the market is flooded with imposters. Current adult beverage industry offerings of premixed cocktails taste nothing like the classic cocktail. 

Alcohol To-Go

According to a new report by the National Restaurant Association -a majority of millennials — 53% — say they are more likely to choose a restaurant if it offers alcohol to go.

The MPACT Solution

The Solution

Only The 'Good Stuff' - Nothing Else

Handcrafted in small batches, we source the finest ingredients from around the world, and sweeten with pure cane sugar. We mix using our industry-changing proprietary Cryopact

cold filtration process, keeping it fresh, delicious and ready to drink. 

Exceptional Profits - 70% - 80%

Category Changing Innovation

We use a proprietary Cold Filtration process to avoid using the chemical preservatives that often result in the over-processed taste associated with industry standard heat treatments. We micronize our beverages to minimize separation and then nitrogen charge the containers to prevent oxidization and extend shelf life – keeping it fresh.  No one else does this!

Pre-mixed, Ready-to-Drink, Ready-to-Serve

Bulk 5-gallon pails or single-serve bottles. No additional preparation or batching required.

Easy to IMplement, Simple to Operate, Fully Supported

Serve It Your Way

Chilled, on the rocks, frozen, frozen dispensed, single bottle, from tap or store-n-pour.

Frozen Has Never Been Hotter


The Result

A simple to operate, consistent, controllable and quality beverage with 80% gross margin or better! Compliant with almost any alcohol licenses.

Taste the 'Good Stuff.'

Request your free sample

image of the MPACT Beverage drinks and cocktails Reserved For You